I have and will share relentless details of semi-interesting anecdotes.

I have poured my heart out to the web. Now, all I can ask in return is for you to fulfill my electronic dreams
Bluetooth Watch with Color ID $79.99
There is simply no way to do without the convenience of seeing the caller id of an incoming call. No more not hearing the cell phone ringer. The only thing better would be display of text messages, but we've got to give geniuses as NASA (or Taiwan) some time. I also questions why a geek watch wouldn't be digital, but who cares? It's got Bluetooth. And Bluetooth gets the babes (I'm married, but I need to retain the adoration of my adorable wife - I'm not letting myself go, electronically at least).
BlueTooth Ring Bracelet $59.99 to ring or show caller id
Wireless N adapter $40 - this is actually a good deal for a wireless N adapter
Scrolling LED belt buckle or name badge $30 or $40
Video watch with 8GB storage

They call this one the lecture-killer. The car driver-killer. The attention killer. I can watch Oprah all the time. Civilization has hits its peak. Head for the hills and get a shotgun; it's only downhill from here.
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